Who We Are
Ewethful from StereoEye Productions on Vimeo.
Kim & Mitch Biegler are the owners of Ewethful Fiber Farm & Mill, located in Halsey, OR. They live on Mitch’s family century farm where there have been generations of farming. Mitch grew up in the valley and brought Kim down from Portland when he decided it was time to move back towards home and help to work the family farm. The Biegler and Herndon family grow grass seed…Linn County is the Grass Seed Capital of the World after all!
While Mitch was busy working the farm with his father and grandfather, Kim filled her time with keeping up the century home, taking care of her dogs and cats, plenty of knitting, and trying to keep Mitch fed through his long days of harvest. With the support of her husband she also started to slowly bring farm animals back onto the farm. First it was laying hens, then a couple sheep. And then the big thing happened… Mitch bought Kim her first spinning wheel for Christmas. This was the big life changer and as we joke to each other about, we can always blame all of this on Mitch!!! The alpacas came next and the family knew something was brewing.
Kim met Janell of Fantasy Fibers in 2015 and was intrigued by the milling process, especially after processing some of her own fleeces at home. They kept in touch and finally towards the end of 2016, as Janell was retiring, Kim decided it was time to push ahead and carry on the tradition and trade of custom processing fiber. Plus, it’s a great excuse to get more fiber animals!